It is harder for me to draw and post pictures every day than I thought. One day I do not want to draw anything at all and another I finish several pictures. Sometimes I do not want to or do not have time to post pictures, like past several days. So for that reason I post two pictures tonight instead of one. Here is the second one:

This being might be an elemental or a demon or a human in mask and costume. I do not know what it is but I think it is best described as an emotional manifestation of anger or danger. She holds a hand with fingers bent inside exposing the talons. With that hand she stops someone by threatening him or her, but she is also ready to attack if it does not work. In the center of her body is the emotion concentrated into a stone. It spills out of it engulfing her in flames. She stands on her toes to be conceived as being taller than she really is. She has no facial features making her less human and also impossible to understand what is going on in her mind if she has one. The eyes also has no focus point, so it is impossible to glance into her soul if she has one again. No skin makes her look even less human.
As one could probably guess this picture was inspired by an emotion or an emotional state of an angry person (myself most likely).
This picture is good overall. I am only dissatisfied with the thumb on the hand because it is curled too much inside but that happened only because I forgot how the hand should look like and remembered too late to correct it.
Blue ink pen on white letter paper. It took me slightly more than an hour to draw this not including some rough work I had to do before hand to familiarize myself with the prospective and posture. This picture has a lot of detail so I decided to post a large copy.